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Pet Tips & Advice Blog

X-Rays for Dogs

X-Rays for Dogs

If your dog is booked to have an X-ray (radiograph), you may be wondering how the appointment will work and how you can prepare. Below, our Blountville vets share what you can expect when you bring your dog to us for an X-ray.

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Constipation in Cats

Constipation in Cats

Constipation can make your cat feel uncomfortable and restless, as well as pose a serious health risk. Our Blountville veterinarians discuss the symptoms of constipation in cats, as well as what to do to help your feline friend.

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Why won't my cat eat? Is this an emergency?

Why won't my cat eat? Is this an emergency?

It's normal to worry if your cat won't eat. Our Airport Pet Emergency Clinic vets list some common reasons why cats may stop eating, and how to tell if your cat’s case is an emergency. 

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Why is my cat breathing heavy?

Why is my cat breathing heavy?

It is very common for dogs to pant to cool down, but this can be alarming behavior when seen in cats and could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Our Blountville vets provide some reasons your cat might be breathing heavy and when to seek medical care.

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Why does my dog refuse to walk or move?

Why does my dog refuse to walk or move?

You are outside taking your dog for a walk on a beautiful day, but they suddenly stop and won't move. Today, our Blountville vets share some reasons why this may happen and what you can do.

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Nutrition, Skin, & Dogs

Nutrition, Skin, & Dogs

Just like in people, our dogs' skin is their largest organ. When combined with their coat, it makes up 12% of the average dog's body weight. What you may not know is that your dog's daily nutrition can have a significant impact on the health and condition of its skin and coat. Here, our Blountville vets explain the relationship between your dog's skin, coat, and its diet.

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How can I tell if my cat is pregnant?

How can I tell if my cat is pregnant?

Have you noticed your female cat is gaining weight and behaving more affectionately? She may be pregnant. Our vets in Blountville share some information about how we diagnose pregnancy in cats and what actions you can take to help your feline friend stay healthy.

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Why are checkups for dogs and cats important?

Why are checkups for dogs and cats important?

Routine veterinary exams assist in keeping your pet healthy by providing your vet with the opportunity to give your cat or dog a checkup, look for any early signs of illnesses and monitor their overall physical health. Here our Blountville vets give you more information on when you should bring your furry friend for a vet checkup and what to expect.

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Why does my dog eat everything off the ground?

Why does my dog eat everything off the ground?

From toys and grass to feces and roadkill...some dogs will eat anything. If your dog eats things it shouldn't there may be a good reason to be concerned. Today our Blountville vets look at why some dogs keep eating everything and tips on how to stop this problematic behavior.

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My Dog Keeps Dry Heaving: What Should I Do?

My Dog Keeps Dry Heaving: What Should I Do?

We know that sometimes our dogs can fall ill and begin to show the associated symptoms, but what happens if they aren't your typical concerns? Here, our Blountville vets talk about why your dog has a dry heaving cough and what you can do to help them.

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Airport Pet Emergency Clinic is open weekday evenings, overnight, weekends and holidays to provide your pet with urgent care when needed. Our experienced Blountville vets are passionate about caring for companion animals.

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